If ... I need to file a proceeding even though I can't prepare the legal costs
2019/ 7/ 2
`` Legal Tech AI White Paper 2019'' Executive Summary
2019/ 12/ 24Can you say "I don't need to review myself" even if I hear that sanctions can be reduced or exempted? – DOJ Antitrust Bureau New Guidelines
FRONTEO's Anisa Henderson (Florida, USA / Washington, DC, USA) summarizes DOJ's "New Guidelines for Evaluating Corporate Compliance Programs."Please use it to evaluate and formulate an in-house compliance program.

Effective compliance program
What do you need for an effective compliance program? In a manuscript submitted by Joseph Murphy to the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics, he said, "There are two requirements for an effective program: management is responsible for doing the right thing. , The steps management must take to achieve that, ”Murphy emphasizes that even small businesses can implement effective compliance programs at no significant cost.
Last month, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Department released new guidelines for assessing a company's compliance program.It also describes the benefits of having an effective compliance program in place.
Having an effective compliance program is a requirement for DOJ antitrust bureaus to make the following decisions:
Whether to prosecute or not prosecute
Weight of punishment (amount of fine, etc.)
Does the procedure of the deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) apply even if the sanctions exemption (liniency) is not applied?
The DOJ does not list specific methods in its guidelines, but lists issues to consider and suggests options.We recommend that you choose the method that suits your size and industry.In particular, it's a good idea to customize it to handle potential risks within your company.
Let's take "monitoring" as an example. According to the DOJ, "Effective compliance programs have monitoring and auditing capabilities to ensure that employees comply with the compliance program."Other examples of monitoring include "regular review of documents / contact from specific employees, performance evaluation and self-evaluation by employees for specific employees, interviews with specific employees", etc. I will.
For small businesses, "walking around the company and talking to employees" can also be part of the monitoring, Murphy said.As you talk around the company, it's a good idea to also mention compliance and ethics checklists.
That said, DOJ's antitrust investigations are most worrisome for large multinational corporations, with departments scattered around the world. At DOJ, we expect large enterprises to devote more resources to compliance.Tools such as monitoring the communication of specific employees and email auditing tools are widely used in these companies.
Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs in Criminal Antitrust Investigations, Department of Justice Guidelines (2019) [https://www.justice.gov/atr/page/file/1182001/download] (Last viewed: 2019/08/06)
Compliance is a Culture, Not Just a Policy, Department of Justice Speech (2014): [https://www.justice.gov/atr/file/517796/download] (Last viewed: 2019/08/06)
Murphy, Joseph (Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics): A Compliance & Ethics Program on a Dollar a Day [https://assets.corporatecompliance.org/Portals/1/PDF/Resources/CEProgramDollarADay-Murphy.pdf] (Last Viewed Date: 2019/08/06)
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