Introduction to Discovery (4/7): 13 Questions to Identify Vendors That Japanese Companies Can Use with Peace of Mind
2020/ 2/ 28
Introduction to Discovery (6/7): The key to controlling costs lies in the quote check (Part 1)
2020/ 3/ 1
Introduction to Discovery(1/7)~(4/7)So, I have explained the importance of experience points and know-how, but of course, if not only know-how but also tools and software functions are not maintained, there is no source or child.The underlying technology has a major impact on the quality and cost of discovery.Different vendors have slightly different areas of focus, so it's a good idea to see what technology you're confident about.
For example, in the discovery support project conducted by FRONTEO, we have applied the research results of artificial intelligence and behavioral information science to realize a significant reduction in work time, and have adopted a unique technology "predictive coding" that automates the review process. We are developing our own discovery software.
FRONTEO's discovery software products
In the past, the task of "reviewing" the selection of "evidence" documents to be submitted to the proceedings and the US authorities has been done visually. There is also an example of a lawsuit in which more than 300 reviewers have been intently viewing and sorting documents for more than three years.Many of the reviewers are lawyers and paralegals, and their labor costs are inevitable.
Moreover, when humans work for a long time, they become tired and lose their concentration.It's easy to see that the ability of the reviewer will also make a difference in accuracy.
But with predictive coding, the process can be done on a computer.Moreover, the accuracy is 90% or more.Depending on the work, the processing speed can be about 4000 times faster than the speed of human review.This is the same processing power as gathering 4000 highly knowledgeable lawyers to work.Moreover, unlike humans, it does not get tired, and its accuracy and speed do not decrease.
With Predictive Coding, reviews that took weeks can be completed in just a few hours, and costs can be reduced by more than 50%, and in some cases 90%.
As mentioned above, speed and cost are important factors in proceeding strategically.If one of the parties to the proceedings conducts a human visual review and the other uses predictive coding, the former will be inferior in all respects in terms of cost, time and labor, which will be reflected in the outcome of the proceedings. There is a good chance that it will be done.
Don't choose a discovery vendor that doesn't hear what you need
For quality discovery, you also need to know the client's information in detail.
For example, you need to know information mainly about IT systems, such as in-house document management systems, applications, mailers, and encryption technologies used in-house.With all that information, we can finally start the work of discovery support.
If you are a good vendor, the information that you need to hear is summarized in advance on a check sheet.
In addition, from the questions that vendors ask clients and their attitudes, we can see not only the vendor's ability to respond to discoveries, but also the attitude of working on projects.Listen carefully to the questions from the vendors, whether you just want to sell or introduce software or systems, or whether you think of the proceedings as a series of steps including discovery work and support them in general. It is a good idea to judge the difference.
Does the Discovery Vendor Have Digital Forensics Technology?
High-level digital forensic technology is required in the present age when electronic evidence has played an important role in the investigation and investigation of fraud and crime.
Digital forensics, also known as "computer forensics," refers to a technology that not only collects electronic records from computers, but also analyzes them for criminal investigations and proofs at the time of trial.Originally used and systematized by the FBI and CIA, police and military agencies in the United States.
Electronic data can be easily deleted and tampered with, so if the person in charge accidentally deletes the data from the server or personal computer, it is necessary to restore the data to a state where it can be used as evidence.In addition, since it is sometimes intentionally tampered with, technology for restoring or extracting the original data of such data is also required.
When a lawsuit is filed and discovery begins, an American law firm may place an order to "treat the data in a forensic sound manner," which is essentially "quality as evidence." Please do your best to ensure the integrity of the. "In order to meet these demands, it goes without saying that know-how and expertise as a discovery vendor are required, as well as digital forensics technology.Vendors without digital forensics technology cannot respond to unexpected situations.