"Business and Human Rights" - How companies should respond when human rights violations are discovered and points to keep in mind - Part 1: "Business and Human Rights" based on recent trends and specific examples
2023/ 10/ 10
What is the difference between EDR and EPP (antivirus)?Explaining endpoint security measures and EDR investigation
2023/ 10/ 11The dark web generally refers to a private area on the Internet. In this article, we will explain the basics of the dark web that company personnel should know, the risks lurking on the dark web and the dangers of accessing it, and how to check for information leaks on the dark web. We will also introduce the benefits of requesting a specialized investigation company to check and investigate information leaks on the dark web.

The dark web is a highly anonymous web that cannot be accessed using regular browsers.
The dark web is a private area of the Internet that cannot be accessed by common search engines and is made up of websites with hidden IP addresses.In addition to the Dark Web, the Internet also has the ``Surface Web'' and ``Deep Web.''
Surface web (open web)
The Surface Web is the portion of web pages and websites that the average Internet user accesses on a daily basis.This website is open to the public and anyone can view it without any special access restrictions. Web content that comes up on search engines such as Google and Yahoo includes a variety of corporate and personal websites.It includes a wide range of content such as shopping sites, news sites, social media, blogs, etc.
Deep web
The Deep Web is web content that cannot be accessed through normal web browsing.For example, it refers to pages where security and privacy are protected, such as confidential company information, private online banking and SNS pages, and cloud data of companies and individuals.Since it cannot be viewed without logging in with a specific account and password, it does not appear in search results on general search engines and cannot be easily accessed.It contains a wide variety of content ranging from legal to illegal.
Dark web
Similar to the deep web, the dark web is also invisible to general search engines.Additionally, it requires specific tools and browsers and cannot be accessed through regular web browsers, making it inaccessible to the general public.Because it is an environment that maintains a high degree of anonymity, it is often used for illegal transactions and crimes, making it a hotbed for various cyber crimes.Although it is considered dangerous to use it without special security measures, there are said to be many of them on the Internet.
Types of information traded on the dark web
Due to the high degree of anonymity maintained on the dark web, highly illegal transactions are also carried out.We will explain the malicious content traded on the dark web.
Personal Information
Personal information may be illegally leaked through cyberattacks and traded on the dark web. In addition to address, phone number, name, credit card information, which is often entered when registering as a member on e-commerce sites, various personal information such as passport information and social security numbers are traded.This information has a high possibility of being used for unauthorized use or fraud.
illegal products
Illegal items that are not normally available may be bought and sold on the dark web.In addition to illegal substances such as narcotics, stimulants, and marijuana, these include highly illegal substances such as child pornography and handguns.Some transactions are said to involve facilitating illegal entry into the country with fake passports or commissioning crimes.
Login information/account information for specific services
Login information that would normally require an account and password known only to the user is traded as valuable on the dark web.Information about general users who use the same ID and password on multiple sites and have multiple accounts is easily obtained and is bought and sold in large quantities.
Confidential corporate information
Confidential corporate information and customer data are also targets of illegal transactions.If confidential information is leaked, not only will a company's credibility deteriorate, but it will take a long time to regain trust.If important customer data is misused, the affected customers and related parties may be required to pay compensation for damages, causing great damage to the company.
Malicious software called malware is also widely traded.It infects computers and networks, leaks information on infected computers, and causes the operating system to stop.Among malware, ransomware is software that encrypts data to prevent access and demands ransom payment from the victim, and the damage caused has been increasing in recent years.If a victim's data is made unavailable, a company's critical data may be restricted and business operations may be seriously affected.
Login ID and password information for in-house equipment such as VPN equipment
If a company's network or system is attacked, the login ID and password information for the company's devices, such as VPN devices, may be shared on the dark web.If the vulnerability is exploited, there is a possibility that important confidential data may be stolen, or there is a risk of more serious attacks.
Hacking tool
Hacking tools for breaking into computer systems and networks can also be bought and sold on the dark web.These tools can be used for cyberattacks and unauthorized access, and can also affect a company's information security.
What is Dark Web Investigation? Check for data leaks and improve your security measures
By conducting dark web research, businesses can minimize the damage from cyberattacks and can also help improve security measures.We will explain the necessity of dark web research for companies.
Information leaks can be detected and dealt with early.
By investigating whether your company's information is circulating on the dark web, you can detect information leaks early.Damage can also be minimized by tracking and monitoring specific information that has been leaked.At the same time, we will promptly change passwords, strengthen security, and alert those around us.
Can improve security level
By understanding the level of personal information and confidential information that can be misused on the dark web, you can find directions for taking measures to protect important information and reviewing security systems. Masu.If you can discover vulnerabilities in your own systems and identify clear fixes, you can improve your security level.
Can support criminal investigations
If you conduct dark web research and find evidence or clues of a crime, you can share it with police and law enforcement agencies, and you can expect to contribute to the arrest and prosecution of criminals.On the other hand, if you use the dark web carelessly, you may unknowingly become complicit in a crime and become a perpetrator, so be careful.
Advantages of consulting a forensic investigation company for dark web investigation
It is extremely dangerous for ordinary people without specialized knowledge to access the dark web carelessly, as they may be involved in various crimes.When investigating the dark web regarding information leaks, it is wise to request a forensic investigation company with information security professionals.Specifically, the benefits include:
Discover security risks and vulnerabilities
Whenever important confidential information is leaked, there is always a cause.If a malicious third party such as a hacker accesses a company's database from the outside and leaks information to the dark web, it is necessary to install stronger security software or review the information management system.By knowing in advance what risks your company faces and its vulnerabilities, you can take measures against information leaks.Forensic investigation companies can detect various risks based on their experience and track record.
Highly accurate and specialized analysis can be performed quickly
Forensic investigation companies that are experts in information security have specialized knowledge and unique know-how in investigating the dark web.For example, if information has been leaked, attempting to access the dark web in order to resolve the issue internally is dangerous and unlikely to lead to accurate information.If you are a specialist, you will be able to perform highly accurate research and analysis, increasing the possibility of approaching information and risks that are generally difficult to discover.
Forensic investigation pioneer “FRONTEO” provides cybersecurity investigation in one package, including dark web investigation
The general public is not yet familiar with dark web research, and many companies do not have the in-house personnel to properly conduct research, so setting up an environment in-house requires a huge amount of time and money.Carelessly accessing the dark web without sufficient knowledge can be dangerous.
It is thought that the secrets and information of many companies around the world are leaked on the dark web, and it is difficult to completely erase information that has been leaked onto the network even once.There may be cases where information that is not found on general search engines is still being traded on the dark web.In order to avoid a situation where you find yourself searching for a solution after your information has been leaked, only to end up in a situation where the damage spreads, we recommend that you rely on a professional company that can act quickly in the event of an emergency.It is also important to anticipate and prepare for risks even during normal times.
As security damage continues to increase, FRONTEO's "Cyber Security Research Package", which compiles the minimum amount of research necessary in an emergency, including dark web research, is effective in responding to cyber attack damage.
The ``Cybersecurity Research Package'' is particularly effective for small and medium-sized enterprises that lack human resources with specialized knowledge. A speedy solution that includes the minimum necessary investigations in the event of a cyberattack, such as EDR investigation and dark web investigation, all in one package. Based on the know-how gained from an overwhelming track record of 10,600 fraud investigations, FRONTEO supports dark web investigations from the initial stage and provides high-quality cybersecurity investigations.