Confirmation of basic understanding of insider trading Part 1-with common misunderstandings-
2022/ 7/ 15Risk Factors Affecting the Global Supply Chain-From the Viewpoint of the Commercial Code-Part 1
2022/ 7/ 15Atsumi & Sakai
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When building and operating a global supply chain, it is necessary to consider what kind of risks can be faced. On the other hand, the situation surrounding international commerce is changing day by day, and timely and flexible measures are required for risk management. In this video, I will explain this risk management from the perspective of the Commercial Code.
In Part 2, I will introduce the risk factors that affect the global supply chain under the free trade system and give an overview of the perspective of managing those risk factors.
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Atsumi & Sakai
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When building and operating a global supply chain, it is necessary to consider what kind of risks can be faced. On the other hand, the situation surrounding international commerce is changing day by day, and timely and flexible measures are required for risk management. In this video, I will explain this risk management from the perspective of the Commercial Code.
In Part 2, I will introduce the risk factors that affect the global supply chain under the free trade system and give an overview of the perspective of managing those risk factors.
Atsumi & Sakai
Crisis Management Practice Group Associate Takuhide Noguchi Attorney
Registered as a lawyer in 2017 (Tokyo Bar Association). From April 2019 to March 4, worked at the Economic Treaty Division and Economic Dispute Resolution Division, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.She deals widely with international economic law and international commercial law.In particular, (2022) as an officer in charge of the Economic Treaty Division of the International Law Bureau, legal advice and scrutiny in the negotiation and conclusion procedures of new agreements, mainly in the field of goods trade among the agreements related to international commerce (WTO agreement, economic cooperation agreement, etc.) , Interpretation of agreement rules and legal scrutiny in the operation of existing agreements, and (3) Response to dispute settlement procedures related to international commerce as a person in charge of the Economic Dispute Resolution Division of the Bureau (trade relief measures, import / export restrictions / prohibitions) And in charge of projects related to subsidy measures.) Since April 2022, she has been working at Atsumi Sakai Law Office / Foreign Law Joint Business.
Atsumi & Sakai
Atsumi Sakai Law Office / Foreign Law Joint Office is the first domestic law firm to launch a foreign law joint business in a completely independent manner, and is a compliance & risk / Crisis Management Practice) is a compliance department of more than 10 former prosecutors (including those who have worked in the Ministry of Justice / Special Investigation Department), the Consumer Affairs Agency, regulators, and financial institutions / business companies that have jurisdiction over the Whistleblower Protection Act. It is composed of members with various back brands and knowledge, such as lawyers who have work experience and lawyers who are qualified as certified accountants.Without being biased toward fraud investigation, we also make full use of innovative methods to deal with issues related to compliance, risk management, corporate governance, etc. faced by clients, and support the prevention of damage to corporate value and early recovery.
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