Significance of EU competition law
2020/ 6/ 24American lawyer talks-still in time!Identifying and responding to risks
Regarding companies with advanced banking business, etc., after being newly added to the types of companies targeted by bank subsidiaries due to the revision of the Banking Act in 28, the perspective of approval examination was embodied in the supervisory guidelines in October 10. At the same time, it was clarified that regional trading companies can also be classified as companies with advanced banking business.
Companies with advanced banking business are expected to carry out various businesses that are not limited to a specific industry. In this webinar, I would like to look back on the conventional types of companies such as advanced banking business, assuming the business model of regional banks, and explore new possibilities in the future.
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Regarding companies with advanced banking business, etc., after being newly added to the types of companies targeted by bank subsidiaries due to the revision of the Banking Act in 28, the perspective of approval examination was embodied in the supervisory guidelines in October 10. At the same time, it was clarified that regional trading companies can also be classified as companies with advanced banking business.
Companies with advanced banking business are expected to carry out various businesses that are not limited to a specific industry. In this webinar, I would like to look back on the conventional types of companies such as advanced banking business, assuming the business model of regional banks, and explore new possibilities in the future.
Associate Katsuya Motoyuki Lawyer
From 2017 to 2019, as a financial securities inspector, Planning and Examination Division, Inspection Bureau, Financial Services Agency, Risk Analysis General Division, General Policy Bureau, "Financial Inspection / Supervision Concept and Procedure (Basic Inspection / Supervision Policy)" and "After abolishing inspection manual" Engaged in the formulation of "the way of thinking and how to proceed with inspection and supervision regarding financing".
From 2019 to 2020, as Assistant Manager (Legal Affairs), Banking Division XNUMX of the Supervisory Bureau, amendment of comprehensive supervisory guidelines for small and medium-sized and regional financial institutions, responding to legal inquiries regarding the Banking Act, Credit Bank Act, etc. , Engaged in work such as studying special bills of the Antimonopoly Act.
Based on this work experience, the main fields of business are financial regulation, compliance, dispute resolution cases at financial institutions, debt collection cases, and finance cases.
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