Let's understand correctly "Attorney-Client Privilege"
2020/ 5/ 29
“Peacetime” Positioning in eDiscovery
2020/ 5/ 31Covington & Burling LLP
In this video, we'll show you how to use Predictive Coding and TAR (Technology Assisted Review) to accurately complete a document review and further reduce costs.
The concepts and benefits of TAR 1.0 and the key takeaways for Asian companies will be explained.
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Covington & Burling LLP
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In this video, we'll show you how to use Predictive Coding and TAR (Technology Assisted Review) to accurately complete a document review and further reduce costs.
The concepts and benefits of TAR 1.0 and the key takeaways for Asian companies will be explained.
Covington & Burling LLP
Covington & Burling LLP
Covington Burling LLP was founded in Washington, DC in 1919 and currently has 13 offices worldwide. With over 1,200 internationally renowned and professional lawyers, our responsiveness to provide outstanding legal services and strategic advice is highly regarded. With over 100 senior government officials, he is not only familiar with the fields of corporate law, litigation and investigation, but also his deep insight into policy and policy makers and the quality of comprehensive regulatory advisory services. The height has a good reputation all over the world.
It has been selected as one of the "100 Global Elites Selected by GCR" many times in the past from the Global Competition Review, and has been selected as one of the world's top 2015 antitrust laws every year from 19 to 20.In addition to being repeatedly named on the "A List" by American Lawyers, he has been ranked in the Top 25 in the US in the General Counseling category of Americas Best Corporate Law Firm by Corporate Board Members.
We have as clients many Japanese companies, trade organizations, and government agencies, and through the Japan Department, we are working to further deepen our relationship with Japan and respond to more accurate needs.
Covington & Burling LLP
Edward H. Rippey
Ed Rippey is a Partner at the global law firm Covington & Burling in Washington, DC. Mr. Rippey is the Chair of its E-Discovery, AI, and Information Governance Practice. He represents enormous multinational corporations on e-discovery and artificial intelligence in litigations and investigations, and also advises on information governance during peacetime to optimize legal and business positioning. Mr. Rippey is a pioneer in this arena and has given scores of presentations and has published scores of articles domestically and internationally.
He is consistently ranked in Litigation E-Discovery in Chambers Global, Chambers USA, Who's Who Legal, and Super Lawyers. The Chambers rankings have noted that Mr. Rippey is a "savvy and forward-thinking" litigator who "combines specific knowledge with dynamite litigation skills and case oversight." In addition, Mr. Rippey is the Co-Chair of Covington & Burling's Gaming Industry Practice and represents integrated resorts and casinos, game manufacturers, and on-line entities worldwide.
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