New Governance Models and Corporate Roles in Society 5.0 Part1
2021/ 6/ 30
New Governance Models and Corporate Roles in Society 5.0 Part3
2021/ 6/ 30Crosstalk "What is Agile Governance?"
The 10th (final) webinar version of "Issues Related to Corporate Scandals and Corporate Crimes" serialized in financial legal affairs.
Considering the rapid development and change of technologies such as AI and the business using them, and the movements of each country accompanying it, it is necessary to discuss the ideal and direction of the social governance model itself in Japan as well." Using the recently released "Governance Innovation Ver. XNUMX: Toward the Design and Implementation of Agile Governance" from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, we will discuss the relationship between government, companies and individuals in the new governance model, the rules and their operation, and their impact on companies.
In the second part, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (2/2021/3) published "Laws and regulations in the digital age (below) "Agile governance" in collaboration with the public and private sectorsWith Professor Inaya of Kyoto University who announced the theme, "What is Agile Governance?"
【The guests】
・ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: Mr. Hafuka
・ Kyoto University: Professor Inaya
・ Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Law Office: Fujiwara Lawyer
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Crosstalk "What is Agile Governance?"
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The 10th (final) webinar version of "Issues Related to Corporate Scandals and Corporate Crimes" serialized in financial legal affairs.
Considering the rapid development and change of technologies such as AI and the business using them, and the movements of each country accompanying it, it is necessary to discuss the ideal and direction of the social governance model itself in Japan as well." Using the recently released "Governance Innovation Ver. XNUMX: Toward the Design and Implementation of Agile Governance" from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, we will discuss the relationship between government, companies and individuals in the new governance model, the rules and their operation, and their impact on companies.
With Prof. Inatani of Kyoto University, who published ""Laws and Regulations in the Digital Age (below) "Agile Governance" in Nihon Keizai Shimbun (2021/3/31) through public-private collaboration," "What is Agile Governance?" will be discussed under the theme of "What is Agile Governance?”
Kyoto University Graduate School
Professor Tatsuhiko Inatani, Graduate School of Law
After graduating from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters, completing the Kyoto University Law School, and working as an assistant professor and an associate professor at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Law, he assumed his current position in 2021.
Research abroad at Sciences Political Science of Paris and University of Chicago.He specializes in Criminology (criminal policy), especially corporate crime legislation and advanced technology and law.
Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Governance Strategy International Coordinator Hiroki Hafuka Attorney
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo in 2008. Completed the University of Tokyo Law School in 2010. After working at the WTO (World Trade Organization) in 2011, he was registered as a lawyer in 2012, joined Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Law Office in 2013, and while working, he was a specialist at the Financial Services Agency and a full-bright scholarship student at Stanford Law School. Completed. After working at McDermott Will & Emery Law Office (Paris Office), in 2018 he worked as an assistant chief of the Information Economy Division, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Since 2020, he has been a part-time lecturer at the Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo, and since 2021, he has been active as an International Coordinator for Governance Strategy, Commercial Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is formulating policies on governance reform in light of social changes in the digital age, and as the author in charge of the "GOVERNANCE INNOVATION" report (July 2020) and "GOVERNANCE INNOVATION Ver.7: Agile Toward the Design and Implementation of Governance ”(February 2).
Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu
Partner Daisuke Fukamizu Lawyer
Joined Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Law Office in 2008. Obtained Certified Fraud Examiner qualification in 2012. Studied EU competition law at King's College London in the UK in 2015, and then at Kirkland & Ellis LLP's Chicago office. Returned to Japan in October 1 after a year of training focusing on fields such as white color climbing.Handles many large-scale corporate cases.As a specially appointed associate professor at Shinshu University, he also conducts research activities on corporate crime at home and abroad.
ALB under 40 Asia Outstanding Legal Professionals 40 (2019)
Alb Young Lawyer of the Year (2020)
Partner Soichiro Fujiwara Lawyer
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo in 1996. 1998 Registered as a lawyer (Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association, 50th term), joined Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Law Office. Graduated from Columbia Law School in 2003 (LL.M.), worked at Morrison & Foerster LLP (San Francisco) from 2003 to 2004, part-time lecturer at Sophia University Law School, 2008-part-time lecturer at Kyoto University Law School, 2009 -General Incorporated Association World Economic Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan Center Auditor, 2018-MNTSQ Co., Ltd. Outside Director.
He provides general legal advice, focusing on corporate acquisition (M & A) transactions and private equity investment.In addition, he is good at Internet / IT related transactions and has abundant experience in technology related advice such as so-called Fintech and sharing economy.
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New Governance Models and Corporate Roles in Society 5.0 Part1
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New Governance Models and Corporate Roles in Society 5.0 Part3
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