[Webinar] How Do Japanese Companies Gain an Advantage in U.S. Litigation? ‐How to reduce the merits and demerits unique to Japanese companies‐ Part 2
2023/ 7/ 20China - Essential Knowledge on Revised "Anti-Espionage Law" Part 3
2023/ 7/ 28Thursday, June 2023, 6 Co-sponsored by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP / FRONTEO
[After login, May 2023, 6You can download the materials of the seminar held today. ]
Points of attendance
Japanese companies often feel like they are at a disadvantage in foreign litigations, especially US litigations with significant costs and use of a jury. We will explain how Japanese companies actually have advantages in US litigations that other parties do not, and further how to limit any disadvantages they may have as a foreign company. Quinn Emanuel and Ryan Goldstein have represented hundreds, if not thousands, of Japanese companies in their US litigation and will discuss, from experience, how Japanese companies can put themselves in the best position possible in a US litigation.
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June 2023, 6 (Thursday) Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP / FRONTEO
[The materials for the seminar held on April 2023, 6 can be downloaded from the form below.] ]
Points of attendance
Japanese companies often feel like they are at a disadvantage in foreign litigations, especially US litigations with significant costs and use of a jury. We will explain how Japanese companies actually have advantages in US litigations that other parties do not, and further how to limit any disadvantages they may have as a foreign company. Quinn Emanuel and Ryan Goldstein have represented hundreds, if not thousands, of Japanese companies in their US litigation and will discuss, from experience, how Japanese companies can put themselves in the best position possible in a US litigation.
Managing Partner / Ryan S. Goldstein
Ryan Goldstein is Managing Partner of the firm’s Tokyo Office and lives full time in Japan. Ryan's practice is devoted to complex business litigation, including patent and intellectual property litigation, antitrust, class actions, product liability, criminal investigations, defamation, and contract/fraud disputes. With respect to patent work, he has litigated and advised clients in a wide range of technologies, including complex cellular communications technology, television technology, semiconductor technology, encryption systems, GPS and other navigation systems, automobile technology, internet provider systems, printers and print heads, fiber optics, and electric razors, amongst others. He has also litigated extensively in the fields of software and hardware implementation and aerospace contracts, and mechanical engineering. In addition to being involved in approximately 20 ITC lawsuits, Ryan also frequently appears in the ICC in international arbitrations.
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP is a 1000+ attorney business litigation firm with XNUMX offices around the globe, each devoted solely to business litigation and arbitration.
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