Introduction of Tokyo International Law Office
2020/ 7/ 29
Introducing two types of collaborative services, peacetime and emergency
2020/ 8/ 5July 2020, 7 Co-sponsored by Tokyo International Law Office and FRONTEO
[After logging in, the materials for the seminar held on July 7 will be available.] ]
◆ Target:
Management, Compliance Officers, Corporate Auditors, Internal Auditors, Legal, International Litigators, etc.
◆ Program:
A must-see for M&A professionals! 60-Minute Case Study: Overseas M&A Deal Management Know-How - Consideration of Contract Negotiation and Price Negotiation Issues due to the Impact of CovidXNUMX
1. Contract negotiations with DD
[Case 1] A case where a factory quality control problem was discovered after the acquisition (India)
・ Why was the quality control problem overlooked?
・ Consideration of acquisition form – carve out of problematic part
・ M & A contract issues and negotiation techniques (representations and warranties, compensation clauses, preconditions, etc.)
・ Negotiation issues of MAC (Material Adverse Change) clause
2.How to deal with emerging market risks
[Case 2] A case in which a huge amount of fraudulent accounting problems were discovered after the acquisition (Germany / China)
・ Emerging market risk / fraud risk
・ Risk hedging measures through joint acquisition and two-stage acquisition
・ How to use "DD after closing"
3.Valuation and Price Negotiations – Given the Impact of Covid19
・ Corporate value and shareholder value
・ Valuation and price negotiation (based on the influence of covid19)
・ Closing account method vs. Locked box method
・ Earn-out - last resort when price points are not aligned
[Case 3] A good example of non-financial index type earn-out (UK)
4.How to use representation and warranty insurance
[Case 4] Fund sale and representation and warranty insurance (New Zealand)
・ What are the cases for which representation and warranty insurance should be considered?
・ Risks covered by representations and warranties (financial statements, taxes, violations of laws and regulations, etc.)
・ What is the insurance premium level? Doesn't DD discoveries cover?
XNUMX.Question-and-answer session
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July 2020, 7 Co-sponsored by Tokyo International Law Office and FRONTEO
[The materials for this seminar can be downloaded from the form below.]
◆ Target:
Management, Compliance Officers, Corporate Auditors, Internal Auditors, Legal, International Litigators, etc.
◆ Program:
A must-see for M&A professionals! 60-Minute Case Study: Overseas M&A Deal Management Know-How - Consideration of Contract Negotiation and Price Negotiation Issues due to the Impact of CovidXNUMX
1. Contract negotiations with DD
[Case 1] A case where a factory quality control problem was discovered after the acquisition (India)
・ Why was the quality control problem overlooked?
・ Consideration of acquisition form – carve out of problematic part
・ M & A contract issues and negotiation techniques (representations and warranties, compensation clauses, preconditions, etc.)
・ Negotiation issues of MAC (Material Adverse Change) clause
2.How to deal with emerging market risks
[Case 2] A case in which a huge amount of fraudulent accounting problems were discovered after the acquisition (Germany / China)
・ Emerging market risk / fraud risk
・ Risk hedging measures through joint acquisition and two-stage acquisition
・ How to use "DD after closing"
3.Valuation and Price Negotiations – Given the Impact of Covid19
・ Corporate value and shareholder value
・ Valuation and price negotiation (based on the influence of covid19)
・ Closing account method vs. Locked box method
・ Earn-out - last resort when price points are not aligned
[Case 3] A good example of non-financial index type earn-out (UK)
4.How to use representation and warranty insurance
[Case 4] Fund sale and representation and warranty insurance (New Zealand)
・ What are the cases for which representation and warranty insurance should be considered?
・ Risks covered by representations and warranties (financial statements, taxes, violations of laws and regulations, etc.)
・ What is the insurance premium level? Doesn't DD discoveries cover?
XNUMX.Question-and-answer session
◆ Lecturer:
Tokyo International Law Office Attorney Mikiharu Mori
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo in 2002. Registered as a lawyer in 2004.Nagashima / Ohno / Tsunematsu Law Office.
Completed the Master of Laws program at Columbia University in 2011. Registered as a New York State Attorney in 2012. 2011-2012 Shearman & Sterling (New York). 2016 Hibiya Nakata Law Office. 2019 Tokyo International Law Office opened.We are good at overseas M & A and domestic M & A by Japanese companies.
Kotaro Okada, Attorney-at-Law, Tokyo International Law Office
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo in 2004. 2006 Graduated from Keio University Law School 2007 Registered as a lawyer
January 2008-March 1 Nishimura & Asahi Law Office 2019 Completed Master's Program at Duke University Law School September 3-July 2014 Worked at Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Seattle Office September 2014-August 9 Sumitomo Corporation Seconded to Legal Department Co., Ltd. April 2015 Participation in our office
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the content or materials, please feel free to contact us.We would also appreciate it if you could request a topic you would like to hear. (Both Japanese and English are acceptable)