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2021년 7월 30일[Webinar Recording] Part 3 – KIBIT Automator 데모 시연
2021년 7월 30일FRONTEO Webinar "Reducing Risk and Costs with Artificial Intelligence and Smart Analytics" Part 3
이 웹 세미나는 모두 영어로 개최됩니다.
In our latest webinar, FRONTEO's AI consultants talk about using AI to manage the cost of eDiscovery. They touched on various factors impacting cost, including case law and defensibility, data science consulting, AI accuracy, and AI for review management us
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FRONTEO Webinar "Reducing Risk and Costs with Artificial Intelligence and Smart Analytics" Part 3
이 웹 세미나는 모두 영어로 개최됩니다.
This Webinar be held entirely in English
In our latest webinar, FRONTEO's AI consultants talk about using AI to manage the cost of eDiscovery. They touched on various factors impacting cost, including case law and defensibility, data science consulting, AI accuracy, and AI for review management us
Below, you can find a list of questions that have been asked during the webinar.
1.Do you have a test environment on Relativity?
2.Is the software a light plug-in to Relativity? Is installation simple?
3.If additional is received for ongoing project, is it possible that the initial relevancy score would change?
4.Can you use your technology on privilege reviews?
5.What is the typical acceptance rate for government matters with respect to elusion?
6.Do you have any case studies for KIBIT Automator?
Please check the video to see how FRONTEO's AI consultants answered those questions.
Vladislav Lobatchev (Director, Data Science & Strategy, FRONTEO USA),
Lilith Bat-Leah (CEDS, Senior Director of Data Science, FRONTEO USA),
Brian D. Moore (Senior Vice President, Discovery Services, FRONTEO USA)